space age technobabble for an electromatic boogaloo

Managing Rewrites for a Rails App on Heroku With Nginx + Phusion Passenger

heroku, nginx, passenger, rails, rewrites | Comments

The custom CMS that we built for has to manage a lot of rewrite rules because the information architecture keeps getting rejiggered. We were managing them with Rack::Rewrite but I always hated having a huge stack of rewrites in the application.rb configuration. Since the app is hosted Heroku there weren’t really any other options until I realized that Phusion Passenger will now run in standalone mode on Heroku.

It’s quite easy to get Passenger running on Heroku:

replace the app server in your Gemfile (unicorn, thin, puma, etc) with

gem 'passenger'

Update your Procfile

web: bundle exec passenger start -p $PORT --max-pool-size 3

This works great but doesn’t come with an obvious was to edit the nginx.conf to add rewrite rules or an include directive. According to the advanced configuration section of the Passenger standalone manual, we see that there is an option to pass a configuration template.

After adding Passenger to your Gemfile and running a bundle install tun this from you application root directory to create a configuration template.

cp $(passenger-config about resourcesdir)/templates/standalone/config.erb config/nginx.conf.erb

You could just add rewrites to this file but because the default configuration template may change from time to time I would recommend adding any custom configuration to another file. Just after the server { line add

include '<%= app[:root] %>/config/nginx_custom_config.conf';

Create this file in the config directory of your app and add all of your rewrite rules and custom directives to this file.

If you are using this to perform rewrites and you are running on Heroku, this needs to be included

<% if app[:environment] != 'development' %>
  port_in_redirect off;
<% end %>

Because Nginx is listening on the random port assigned by the Heroku routing layer Nginx will, by default, include this port number in the rewrite rules that do HTTP redirects. The conditional makes sure that when running on localhost:5000 redirects still work as intended in your development environment.

Other use cases include enforcing SSL on your app, adding HTTP basic auth to an app, and easier generation of CORS headers. So far I’m loving Phusion Passenger standalone on Heroku. In a future post I plan to examine the performance and memory usage versus the existing Unicorn setup.
